Friday, June 29, 2007

God of Enough

God of Enough
He is the God of enough for my today!
As I have been seeking the Lord a bit about my future all i keep hearing Him say is, "I am the God of enough for today." I feel as though He keeps asking me, "Do you have a place to sleep and food to eat and water to drink and clothes to wear?" My reply is always, "Yes." Then He says, "What are you worried about, I am the God of enough for your today."
A simple life
"Live simple so others may simply live."
Three years ago when i was in Mexico I felt God call me to missions and a simple life.
He opened my eyes to see the simplicity of life and ever since i have not required much and have chosen to live as simply as possible.
Someone once said to me that my life was ideal, because I do missions work and God uses others to provide for my needs and I get to do a bunch of random things in a day and travel the world. That is all true, but it all comes with a price and letting go. You see I have to be ok with how my Father has chosen to take care of me and trust Him. I have to be ok with a bag of food from the soup kitchen if He has chosen to feed me that way for the week and I have to be ok with clothes from the Goodwill Store if He has chosen to clothe me that way. I have to be ok with living in community and with 17 people and at times share one bathroom with lots of girls. I have to trust that the money will be there to pay my bills, even if it is on the last day. I must say I have come to be ok with all the random ways He has chosen to provide and He always does provide. My life has not lacked and I have gotten to travel and meet lots of amazing people and see God work.
So, I guess my life is ideal and the cost is ok, because
He is the God of Enough.
He is the God who has paid the cost.
He is the God of Enough for my today.
How about you?

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